Wholeness Online Membership

A place to grow portable pockets of peace to counterpose a busy life, and guide you toward greater vitality, harmony and awakening.


In a world that doesn’t stop spinning, full of constant unpredictable change. That values an endless pursuit for more & demands that we seek outside of ourselves to feel like we are enough.

I know for myself, I can end up feeling world weary~ disconnected, disillusioned, burnt out, strung out, overwhelmed, impatient, out of balance, not enough, always searching for more, but never feeling truly satiated, absolutely freaking exhausted by it all…

If you often find yourself lamenting~ How do I find & maintain my centre through all of this? How do I continue to show up for the people I love, with love??

If you are in need of true sustainable self-care (=community care ripple), want to grow tools to release stress + tension, regulate your nervous system, reset + refuel to move forward intentionally for your highest good, so you can be who you came here to be. If you are desiring to reawaken energy, source true meaning or even just feel better more of the time…

AND feel supported through this, not so alone in it all. If you are desiring to be part of an open hearted, like minded community who GETS IT and also wants to share in the journey. In an easy, affordable, accessible way…

Yep, me too.

I am a Mama of 2 daughters + a teenage step daughter & I know first-hand~ LIFE IS FULL and oh so INTENSE. I get pulled in a million different directions every-single-DAY. I too desire to live my best life and show up in a way that feels GOOD. I also know that if our cup is empty it is really hard to be who we want to be, let alone awaken into the magnificence of our full potentiality and wildest dreams!

Wholeness Online is a way to fill your cup.

Small moments of intention to be with yourself.

  • To Unravel and Let Go.

  • To Gaze In and connect with your Divine Inner Light of awareness and feel that which connects and animates us all.

  • To Cultivate a sustainable source of energy and true inner contentment.

  • To get back in touch with the undeniable wisdom of your body.

  • To reawaken Joy, Vitality, Inspiration and Creativity.

  • To feel good in yourself, connected to others and the world around you.

  • To show up for the one’s you love with LOVE!

  • To embrace your humanity (all parts of you are welcome, fully expressed), whilst growing your connection with your Divinity.

  • To come back into alignment with what is for your highest good~ open to receive the full flow of life’s energy + bounty.

  • And know that part of you that is steady, centred & liberated amidst a life full of change.

This is a way to become even more self-aware. To deepen your emotional + relational intelligence, your capacity to feel and your ability to regulate when needed. 

I know if you are reading this you KNOW that the peaceful revolution begins within. That caring for yourself = caring for your community.

The profound beauty of this can be life changing~ take the benefits off the mat into the world and marvel at the magnificent harmonising, loving ripple effects within your own family, community and even wider.

These practices are sweet little self-care sanctuaries that you can introduce into your life, anytime from anywhere, for transformative moments of rest, peace & balance.

When we are well nourished, life flows better.

This is MEDICINE for MODERN LIFE my loves!!

Wholeness Online Membership includes:


    Classes weave yogic philosophy, asana, pranayama, loving awareness and meditation in rotating styles of hatha flow, restorative and fusion style practices.

    I will always be sharing what is working and alive within me, with you.

    These classes will be archived, so you have on-going access to a growing library of fresh content and practical life tools. You can revisit your favourite “go-to” practices again + again.

    Weekly LIVE classes each Thursday 11:30am-12:30pm, aligned w/ SA school terms.


    An ever growing collection of Mini Rest Practices: for when you only have a small pocket of time, but desperately need to come back to your centre quick smart!

    Each week I will add a new practice (aligned w/ SA school terms).

    Meditations, pranayama, deep rest poses, short energy freeing sequences~ honestly, it is worth signing up JUST FOR THIS!!

    Includes the POCKETS of PEACE 3 Part Mini Rest Series to cultivate calm amidst the crazy.


    Ongoing support from me via LIVE Monthly Q&A’s. Ask me all of your burning questions. In this membership you get access to me. So we can stay super connected & I can support you along the way.

    Monthly Q & A 1st Thursday of each month 1-2pm, aligned w/ SA school terms.


    Access to an open hearted community of Yogi’s all trying to find calm in the ups + downs of their lives.

    This is where the magic is my loves!!

    A safe online space, via our own private facebook group, where we can feel heard + held in our shared humanity and inspired by a like-minded group growing their connection with their divinity.

    Where we can share our challenges and growth, our love of yoga and our insights with one another.

    Let’s burst the illusion of separation and support each other.

  • WHOLENESS 2021, 2022 & 2023 PROGRAMS

    Wholeness 2021, 2022 & 2023 self-paced Program’s valued at $499 each.

    (That’s 120x 60min yoga masterclasses, exploring yogic philosophy and the journey to Self~ for a deep dive into the ancient wisdom practices & how they can support you to live a healthy, meaningful life)


    Access to the full archive of classes in the Wholeness with Kristin Content Library!

    This includes themed class styles, such as Vinyasa, Hatha and Restorative.

    Access all of this 24/7 from the comfort, safety and convenience of your own sweet space.


  • Live online weekly wholistic 60 min Yoga Classes

  • “Go-to” weekly game changing Mini REST Practices

  • Community Connection via our dedicated private fb group

  • Ongoing Support from ME via monthly LIVE Q&A’s:)

  • Access to the full collection of Wholeness 2021, 2022 & 2023 Programs (valued at $499 each!)

  • Access all Archived Classes 24/7 from the comfort of your own home

Claire Byrt - Project Work Life

“Kristin has an absolute heart gift in creating a safe space and holding space for us to be able to drop in and connect to ourselves, our body, our energy body and our heart with deep reverence for the human experience.”

Thea Morgan - Wholistic Mumma

“Kristin's love of yoga emanates from her as she teaches. Her voice as she guides you is smooth and calm, and you cannot help but journey with her. 

It has been through her year long online program, Wholeness, that I have really begun to understand the true essence of yoga and the ancient wisdom it holds. It is a true mind, body, soul connection. 

Bless you Kristin, for all that you share with the world.”

A bit about me.

I am a devoted mama and
a perfectly imperfect,
dedicated yogi.

Happiest living the simple life grounded in nature, with time for yogic and meditation practices and my family and friends. I am passionate about sharing what works for me, with you.

Yoga is a lifelong adventure for me. It has been my companion through thick and thin since I was 17 and there is not a single day, I don’t ground myself through this ancient tradition. I understand the magic and companionship of yoga and I want to gift you this intelligent ‘road map’ to navigate the unpredictability of life. The twists and turns, the wild cards – the parts that make us all human.

The challenges that life throws at us may not change, but our response to those challenges can. Yoga has gifted me the fundamental knowing: that life is happening for me and not to me. Something I call upon each day. From seeking greater meaning, peace and perspective, sourcing radical presence and truly enjoying life’s simple pleasures – for me, Yoga is an anchor. 

This time honoured practice, can build greater resilience to get through life’s challenges~ one breath at a time.

I love sharing this with you x

I want to make this as affordable + accessible as possible!

I’m so passionate about growing a supportive community, so we can feel heard & held in this shared journey.

Currently, it’s only  $28 p/month forever price (cancel anytime).
OR even better, pay up front and get 2 months free with $280 p/year forever price (cancel anytime).

As long as you stay signed up, this price will never change for you~ yessssss!


~ You are seeking quality time for you. You know that when you are well rested and resourced, life flows better.

~ You want to feel supported by + connected with a like-minded community also trying to find balance in this crazy life.

~ You LOVE yoga & want to deepen your sadhana.

~ You are NEW to yoga & desire an easy, accessible way to introduce a wholistic practice to your life.

~ You are a YOGA TEACHER & want to learn how to teach wholistic, meaningful, transformative classes.

~ You feel stuck in a frustrating cycle that no longer serves you. You are ready to be part of the CHANGE.

~ You want easily accessible, user friendly wholistic yoga practices that you can do anywhere, anytime.


~ You are looking for a yoga work out.

~ You only like to practice in a studio.

~ You are not interested in exploring the deeper meaning and application of yoga and yogic philosophy.

~ You are not interested in personal and spiritual growth.


  • A. Every single class will be archived and always accessible.

  • A. YES. There will be a monthly question thread in our private fb group & I will answer all of those questions.

    The Q&A will be recorded and archived in the membership.

  • A. YES. You will have the opportunity to join again, but it will be at the higher price, and not until the next launch. I can sign you up for the waitlist to ensure you are the first to know when that will be.

  • A. ABSOLUTELY. I invite you to begin where you are, how you are. No experience necessary. This is an opportunity to learn to turn your attention inward, feel your way into each pose and personalise your practice.

    This is less about getting better at the pose and more about getting better at life.

  • A. The emphasis in this membership is how yogic practices can assist with deepening our self-awareness, emotional intelligence and connection with Self. If you desire to deepen your experience of what yoga can be in the most wholistic sense, this is for you. We won’t be looking at perfecting advanced asana, we will be delving into how yoga can support us to live our highest purpose.

Life can get all sorts of challenging.

Let’s do it together.

Yoga teaches us to turn our gaze inwards and stop seeking outside of ourselves for contentment.

This counter cultural adjustment can be revolutionary.

As we stop looking outside of ourselves for meaning and value, struggling to keep up and hustling for our worth we free up an enormous amount energy and create space for creativity and inspiration.

The yogi’s have gifted us the most wildly intelligent, helpful road map to navigate the up & downs of the human experience with greater peace and perspective.

I can’t wait to share!

I look forward to warmly welcoming you, exactly as you are.

Love, Kristin x